Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wordless Wednesday.....

My Pookie baby........


Anonymous said...

he's adorable!

Gabriel said...

Nice picture, he looks adorable and a little menacing at the same time, thanks to those bright eyes...

Happy WW!

Leslie said...

Oh my goodness, Jan! That dog looks exactly like the dog my great-grandmother had. We called him Turdie - because he was always so naughty! What a great photo.

KW said...

He's too cute!!

m.o.M. said...

Looks like a good buddy. Hope Santa was good to him too!

Unknown said...

Come see the most embarrassing moment of my life, over at my Wordless Wednesday! I like your Wordless Wednesday post! Hope you had a great Holiday!


Mariposa said...

How adorable...finally, we met him!

Welcome to WW!

Wholly Burble said...

Cute pic, but you don't get the full affect until you get a little cold nose on your arm while visiting ;-) I was so tickled to meet your whole crew earlier this year.