Friday, December 07, 2007

Our Medieval Big Adventure.....

Well I have to say that our trip to the Madrigal Dinner with 60 6th graders was a success. The kids were so good and they really enjoyed the show. There was the king and queen and their royal court. There were jesters, beggers, commoners and trumpeters. No music except for the trumpets. All the singing was accupelo. The singing was wonderful !! When the actors spoke, they used the old English way of speaking and of course they were in full costume.

We started our meal with a salad and fresh baked sourdough bread with soft creamy butter and a vinagrette dressing. Next came the wild rice soup followed by the main meal. Cordon Bleu chicken, green beans with almonds, and red roasted potatoes. Last came a flaming bread pudding with rum sauce. We had wassail to drink which was a hot cinnamon tea. They came to our tables selling bottles of "wine" for $6.00, which was actually apple cider. Of course all the adults had to buy a bottle for the kids to sample. They gave us plastic wine goblets to drink from and the kids thought they were really grown up. They took the plastic glasses home as souveniers..... LOL

Now, I have to tell you that this event can be a splashy thing. Some of the women wear the long gowns and the men wear their suits and ties. We told the kids this and told them that they had to wear their good clothes. No holey jeans, no stained shirts...... and if clothes was a problem to let us know. Well, let me tell you...... some of the kids went all out. Some of the boys wore suits. Some wore shirts with ties, some just wore clean jeans and shirts. Which was fine. The girls wore their nice clothes too but a few came in their long dresses with their fake diamond earrings and necklaces.. LOL It was so cute. All the kids behaved very well !!! Not an accident, swear word, or any behavior that required a serious look or word from us. We were soooo proud of them.

Well, that was our big night on the town. It was something the kids will talk about for a long time and always remember. For most, it will be a one time experience. For us adults, it was an endeavor that was worth all the work and planning it took just to see the look on thier faces, hear their laughter, and to give them a memory to enjoy.



anno said...

What a great excursion for your students! And it sounds like it was fun for the grown-ups as well. That chicken cordon bleu sounds awfully tempting...

Wholly Burble said...

What a wonderful outing for all of you. So glad that you got to take all of them, and had such a grand time. As you say, it will create a special memory for each of them--well worth the time and effort.

Thanks for sharing!

Mariposa said...

glad to know you were having such wonderful time with your students...

Btw, if you have time, pls vist my site, I have tagged you to do a meme meme

Hope you find the time... ;)

Leslie said...

Sounds like a great time! What fun!

And I like the new look on your blog.

Alekx said...

Hi, Thanks for stopping by my blog. Sounds like you had a blast with all the kids.
I used to belong to a middle ages recreation society and it was wonderful for most of the kids who were in it.
See you around again. :-)

Jen said...

How lovely. It sounds like you really do a lot at the school where you work. What a wonderful evening!

Rachel said...

That sounds so wonderful!

Makes me want to have students. :)