Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mariposa's Meme.....

Another thinker post.... ok, here I go !

(1) Make a list of eight random facts/habits about themselves.(2) Tag eight other people to do this meme and list their names.(3) Leave a comment on each of the Tagged People's websites to inform them about the meme which they're tagged to do (enjoined to participate!).

1. I was adopted at 18 months of age and found my birth family when I was 39.

2. My first job was a church secretary.

3. I have a phobia about snakes. I think it stems from the boys in the neighborhood chasing us girls with them. It used to be so bad that if i saw one on the TV I would wake at night to check my bed, but it's gotten better as I've gotten older.

4. I was in nursing for 14 years. Sad to say, but I miss the adrenaline rushes. Nothing else though. It taught me a lot about my feelings about death.

5. I am amazed at how I have changed as I've gotten older. I wear my feelings on my heart sleeve. I never thought about getting old. Now my morning is spent taking my meds..... thank god for Effexor !!! LOL

6. I hate having to go to bed early at night. I'm a night person. I love naps !

7. I was born in Ohio, raised in Indiana, and we always spent 4-6 wks vacation in Minnesota. It was always a second home to me and now I live here..... in the cold ! Yuck !!!

8. I'm a nose cleaner. Yep, the nose has to be clean. You either blow it or pick it but it has to be clean of all those nasty little boogers.

I still don't know a lot of people so I'm with WB. I'm tagging two people..... Anno and Leslie. Have fun !!



Mariposa said...

Hey, thanks for the time and for sharing this one, you did a good job with this meme.

First of all, I'm happy that you got reunited with your biological family. Second, if you have phobia for snakes, I love snakes, weird I know. And last, I had to google Effexor, did not know what is it, but I think a dose of that too... ;)

kathi said...

Not many people would admit to #8. Thanks for the laugh. :)

Wholly Burble said...

I'm so pleased you played! Of course, some of that I already knew--#8 might be in the category of "too much information" LOL; and with all your gardening, I'm surprised about the snakes--but then again, you have BEARS in your backyard--I'll deal with a snake outback over a bear any day :-0

anno said...

You have BEARS in your backyard? Yikes!

I'm with you on the snake phobia, curious about your reunion with your biological family, and happy to play along -- thanks for tagging me!

Jen said...

It's nice to learn more about you!

Leslie said...

I'm sorry it took me so long to get here! All this Christmas stuff has had me running like crazy. We're finally done with classes and things until after the holidays. Thanks for the tag - I will do it, eventually. (I'm such a procrastinator.)

I have a snake phobia, too. I never knew I could move so fast as when I walked up on a snake while on a hike. I surprised myself with my amazing speed.

Love your picture in the sidebar! It's a nice touch.