Friday, January 04, 2008

I Feel Loved.......

We're home and doing fine. The surgeries went well. We're just tired from not getting much rest in the hospital. If it wasn't them coming in to check your vitals, it was me calling someone to unhook those air bags from my legs so I could go to the bathroom... LOL Oh well, it's over and we've rested today. Eddie is already in bed and I'll be there shortly.

What a surprise I had when I logged on this evening !!!! I am so thrilled ! Thank you Mariposa and Jenn for my wonderful awards. I feel like a real blogger now... LOL It really made me feel special to get these. I am so honored. In the short time I have been on here blogging I have met so many nice people that I now consider my friends. Thank you all for making me feel so welcome. Thank You W B for suggesting that I come here. You are all wonderful !

Well, off to bed now... I'm tired. (((HUGS))) to all.


Wholly Burble said...

Great to have you home and recovering. Be sure to keep us up to date on how you're doing. I know there are others who are considering this surgery who will want to hear what it's like and how it's working.

As for me, friend, I'm relieved to know you and Eddie are home, safe, and recuperating. That is a great answer to my prayers.

anno said...

Glad you are safely home and resting, and on your way to enjoying better health! Thanks for letting us know...

Mariposa said...

Happy to hear everything went fine...have a good rest.

Thanks for the updating us...

(((night hugs)))

Jen said...

I'm so glad you're home and safe! I hope the recovery continues to go well! HUGE hugs!

Anonymous said...

I am sooo happy you and Ed are home, safe and sound and resting. Just think, this time next year you are going to be sooo healthy!!! {{{hugs}}}}} and kisses!

Mikey said...

BLOGGER friends are great because the relationship is so simple. At times, "simple" seems to be the way to go.

Glad the surgery went well!

Jenn in Holland said...

Oh, I am thrilled that you are home and feeling well.
I am also thrilled that you've logged on to see your award and beyond thrilled to see it in your sidebar!
Congratulations on everything!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad things went well! And you are so deserving of those awards. Congratulations!