Wednesday, January 02, 2008

This and That.......

It's been a quiet few days around here. Tomorrow Eddie and I are going to venture into town to WalMart and pick up a few things and go over to Home Depot. We want to check out the radiant heat heaters. We have an oil heater here in the back room but I think it is wearing out...... LOL Kind of like me, it's getting old and tired. THEN...... we are going to have lunch at Arby's. We just had a new store open in town and we haven't been there yet. I LOVE Arby's !! So, for a final lunch out on the town before our surgery on Thursday, we are going to indulge ourselves in their glorious roast beef sandwiches. I may even buy one to bring home for supper too...... LOL

A news update on the kittens. I say kittens because I don't know which one did it, but we heard water running. When we investigated, we found the water running in the bathtub. Yes, one of my darlings turned the water on. Now is that talent or what? LOL

Talk to you tomorrow..... (((HUGS)))


Mariposa said...

What a talented kittens you've got!

Enjoy your day!

Wholly Burble said...

Oh my, surgery tomorrow--what time? I'll be praying for both of you.

Of all the places you have available for your "one last meal" you choose Arby's LOL--I'd have hit that all you can eat place you took me to when I was there--but that's me, more bang for your buck LOL.

Jen said...

I hope you enjoyed your outing! And you'll be in my thoughts and prayers in terms of the surgery. Both of you BE WELL!

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoyed your day and I wish you the best for your surgery tomorrow!

And those are some smart kitties!

anno said...

Hmmm... you might want to make sure the bathroom door is closed tomorrow before you leave...

Whimsical Ranter said...

Our cat used to do that. Turn on facets, flush toilets. For an animal that's supposed to be afraid of water, or not fond of it. They sure do figure out ways to amuse themselves with it.