Friday, November 30, 2007

I Love To Read......

I have loved books since I was able to read. There were many times I was in reading when I should have been outside playing. that's kind of sad huh.... lol But I was happy so that's ok.

I think I had every book in Nancy Drew mystery series. I loved books about horses and Florence Nightengale. Maybe that's why I went into nursing huh?

My favorite books now are the mystery/thrillers. I have ALL the Dean Koontz books. I love the forensic police procedural books, the women detective books, and did I mention Harry Potter??? Love those books. Another favorite author is Janet Evonovich and the ever loving Nora Roberts, writing as J D Robb.

My only disappointment is that some of the authors' newer books aren't as good as their older ones. Like Dean Koontz and Patricia Cornwell. Their books are still good but not like the ones that made me fall in love with their writings.

Anyway... reading is fun, relaxing and I love it !! How about you? Any of you like my kind of books?



Jen said...

Hey Jan! First off, thanks for joining Day to Read! We're going to ROCK the net!

Secondly, I loved Nancy Drew growing up. In fact I have this cute little book that I keep on my desk called Everything in life I learned from Nancy Drew. I was only allowed to dip into my sister's Nancy Drew collection when I was sick - my dad deemed Nancy Drew "junk", and I almost hoped to get sick just to read her.

I also love Janet Evanovich, but again, I liked the earlier books. I feel the same about Kathy Reichs and John Burdett. What I keep noticing in mystery series of that ilk is that at the beginning they're smart and funny, and then sex scenes start creeping in more and more. It's not that I have anything against those, per se, but actually I find them boring after a short while.

Great post!

Wholly Burble said...

Well, since you're the one responsible for introducing me to Evonovich, you KNOW I enjoy her books. I keep telling myself I'm not going to bother with the next Stephanie Plum book from Evonovich--but it's an addiction, I have to buy and read, just because . . . LOL

Glad you're joining the "read in" for our Day to Read. But then how could you not--you're a first class reader!

Mariposa said...

Hi there, I'm joining Day To Read too...thanks to Wholly Burble!

I'm going to write that article now as a start...hope you're having a nice weekend!


Leslie said...

I love to read, but the majority of my reading lately are blogs or parenting books I'm asked to review.

I recently read Amy Grant's book Mosiac and loved it, because I love her music.

Goofball said...

Evanovich? Never heard of her, but since I like thrillers/detectives as well, i'll remember that name :)

I like the books from Michael Conelly eg "city of bones". Or the books from Beverly Connor. And also the weird atmosphere in the books of Per Wahloo.