Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Thoughts of Love and Blessings......

My husband Eddie will be 65 years old next month. Except for the aches and pains of getting older, you would think he was 16, the way he interacts with the kids. His school feast was a huge success. The kids ate well.... some going back two and three times. The next feast will be for Christmas where there will be a present for each student under the tree. Eddie is my friend, lover, confidante, and cheerleader. He is my pillar of strength. He is LOVE and truely a Blessing to me and others.

We are having our meal & celebration on Saturday this year. We work around Barb's nursing schedule. Barb, who is married to Glenn, have two wonderful children, Ashley and Brandon. They are friends in reality but family in our hearts. I don't know what I would do without them in my life. They keep us young, alive, and bring us much joy. They are LOVE and truely one of our Blessings.

My sister Mary is 3 years younger than me. We did not have the priviledge of growing up together. I was adopted out when I was 18 months old. She is currently living with us. We have known each other 16 years now & still we are still learning new things about each other. She is LOVE and another Blessing in my life.

My special friend WB and I have known each other for many years now but just met in person this fall. It was wonderful to get that big hug from her. She is my friend, confidante, and mentor. We have shed many a thought, laughter and tears together. She is truely Love and a Blessing to me. I am honored to have her in my life.

I certainly can't leave out my furry babies. Our pets bring us laughter, comfort, and snuggles. They are Love and a Blessing in a way that humans are not.

Our extended family and friends, who live far away, bring us Love and Blessings in their own individual ways.

To all my new found friends here, I say welcome to my world and thank you for letting me be a part of yours. The sharing of our lives and thoughts through words are Love and definitely a Blessing in my life.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May your day be Blessed with laughter and Love.



Mariposa said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm sure blessings will continue to pour on you... :)

Wholly Burble said...

It was difficult to believe we could know each other for so many years, and yet never have met--so this meeting complete with hugs and mugs was SO special.

God certainly blessed me when He put you in my life!

Hope this Saturday will be a very special day for you and your extended family.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! It sounds like you have much to be thankful for.

Jen said...

Happy Thanksgiving and congrats to your Eddie on that great feast!