Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Quiet Time.....

It's finally the quiet time here. This is the time when everyone is in bed asleep.... except me. Not that it's usually noisy here but I'm by myself. No one to see me pick my nose, or scratch unsightly places. My hearing aides are in their container so I'm back into my quiet world. How nice..........

As I mentioned in another post, we are having our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. the deviled eggs are made and the 22# turkey is still thawing. It will be ready for the stuffing in the morning as soon as Eddie gets his marvelous apple cake baked. We will also have all the trimmings.... mashed potatoes/gravy, sweet potatoes, corn, green bean casserole, noodles for Brandon, hot rolls, relish dish, cranberries, and of course pumpkin pie. Do you think there will be enough food to feed seven? LOL Leftovers !!!!

My sister and I went shopping today but we didn't go early. It wasn't bad either. Everyone was gone by the time we got there. We even got a parking space up front at WalMart. Wow !! That was exciting right there !
We really didn't buy a lot but at least we can say we shopped on Black Friday.

The rest of the day was filled with reading, taking a short nap, reading some blogs, and just relaxing. Getting ready for the excitement tomorrow...... building our strength up..... LOL I'll let you know how it goes. Sweet dreams everyone.



Jenn in Holland said...

We'll be having our Thanksgiving celebration tomorrow. I am so excited about it really. We will gather with several other expat Americans and share the fun and feasting.
Have a grand celebration!

Mariposa said...

It's always nice to to have that quite time...

Wow, your description of what will you have made me hungry...send me some of that mashed potaotes... :D

Jan said...

Mariposa...... you can come for the whole meal if you want.... Come on over !!!


Anonymous said...

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration!

Wholly Burble said...

I'm sure you all had a great meal Saturday. We had our biggie Friday evening, and today we're finally going to finish up the left-over stuff. I think there's enough for each of us to have one more piece of pie LOL.

Nice quiet time--and I know you do enjoy those. With your crew, I imagine these are not as often as you'd like--but great that you have them still.